Model-Driven Development

Estudio de Usabilidad en Aplicaciones de Comercio Electrónico B2C – Amazon – Dell – MercadoLibre

Model-Driven Development / Usability and user experience / Television Digital Interactiva / Metodologías De Desarrollo De Software

Análisis del Estado del Arte en el desarrollo de Aplicaciones Móviles mediante Desarrollo Dirigido por Modelos.

Model-Driven Development / Mobility/Mobilities / Model-Driven Engineering / Software Development / Mobile application development / Mobile Computing / Mobile apps / Mobile Cloud Computing / Mobile and Location-Based Media / Mobile Computing / Mobile apps / Mobile Cloud Computing / Mobile and Location-Based Media

Detección de habilidades cognitivas en el uso y desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles sensibles al contexto

Cognitive Psychology / Model-Driven Development / Mobile Technology / Model-Driven Analysis and Design / Context-Aware Computing / Mobile Phones / Mobile application development / Model Driven Engineering / Mobile apps / Model-Driven Architecture / Mobile Phones / Mobile application development / Model Driven Engineering / Mobile apps / Model-Driven Architecture


Information Systems / Management Information Systems / Model-Driven Development / Model-Driven Engineering / Model-Driven Analysis and Design / Business Management / Model-Driven Architecture / Model Driven Engineering, Computer supported collaborative work , Model Evolution / Data-Driven Modelling / Business Management / Model-Driven Architecture / Model Driven Engineering, Computer supported collaborative work , Model Evolution / Data-Driven Modelling

Análisis de Test Driven Development y Scrum para el desarrollo rápido de aplicaciones basadas en Java y AngularJs

Model-Driven Development / Model-Driven Engineering / Model-Driven Analysis and Design / Model Driven Engineering / Model Driven Engineering, Computer supported collaborative work , Model Evolution / Tdd

MoDisco, a Model-Driven Platform to Support Real Legacy Modernization Use Cases

Software Engineering / Model-Driven Development / Software Maintenance / Model-Driven Engineering / Modeling / Reverse Engineering / Model Driven Engineering / Reverse Engineering / Model Driven Engineering

ModelExtractor: an Automatic Parametric Model Extractor

Software Engineering / Model-Driven Development / Model-Driven Engineering / Modeling / Reverse Engineering / Model Driven Engineering
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